
Kiss SMS

What is a kiss?
In view of
"kiss is the shortest distence between 2 lips!..
"kiss is that thing 4 which DEMAND is always higher than SUPPLY!....
"kiss is the process of caharging a human body!..
"like a LAN, in which 2 bodies r conected without any DATA CABLE!...

TaLk 2 me wHen i"m boReD, kiSS me wHen i"m saD, hug me wHen i cRy, caRe 4 me wHen i diE, loVe me When i"m sTill Alive..

A hug for you means I need you. A kiss for you means I love you. A call for you means I"m missing you.

U r sweeter than honey. purer than milk. softer than flower. since i have u as my lover, come to me near, i"ll kiss ur lips without fear. u"ll say, having u is treasure & be wit me for ever.

Life is nothing without LOVE, LUV is emotion & Kiss is practical, don"t get emotional yar just b practical so STOP luving and START Kissing.

proposing u was my desire having u is my jekpot loving u is my attitude pleasing u is my duty missing u is my habit kising u is my wish 2gether 4eva my filfilment.

read out this sms very carefully watch as u read it wide coz i"ve filled it with staffed loads of kisses & hundreds loads of huggles inside...

If you are ever in doubt as to whether or not to kiss a pretty girl, always give her the benefit of the doubt.

Look under your bed,maybe in ur head, for there i"ll plant lot of something called forget me not, here"s a most loving kiss coz you are the only one i miss.

when u kiss a British girl she says "kiss me softly"
when u kiss a American girl she says "kiss me hardly"
when u kiss a Pakistani girl she says "oai!! kisi nu dussi na" (Don"t tell anybody)

I"m a kisser, i kiss people for money
I"m a kisser, i kiss people for money, but you are my friend

Give me one kiss to go to sleep. Give me two kisses to dream. Give me an endless row of kisses to, when I wake up in the morning, think of you as the last kiss I never forget it

Whats live ? Live is love. Whats love ? Love is kissing. Whats kissing ? Come here and I show you

Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips. What is first thing? ..??.. (Answer is "KISS")


Never KISS a lady police,
She will say, hands up.
Never KISS a lady doctor,
She will say, Next please
Always KISS a lady teacher,
She will say, repeat it 5 time

Can Be A Comma (,)
A Question Mark (?)
An Exclamation Point (!) …
That’s Basic Spelling
That Every Woman
Ought To Know

Kiss me and you will see stars ….
Love me and I will give them to you.

Kiss is a boot camp of doing something sweet and tasted that at the end it can drive you to the next step that can build a generation to generation until generation.

never ask 4 a kiss, just take it.
never give a hug, ask 4 it.
never ask do u luv me, first say i luv u.
never say i can"t live without u, say i live for u.

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