

so sweet is ur SMILE..... so sweet is ur STYLE..... so sweet is ur VOICE..... so sweet is ur EYE....... see how sweetly I LIE!!

Teacher To Student:

Can You Define Who Is LECTURER?

Student : A LECTURER Is A Person Who Has A Very Bad

Habit Of Speaking When Someone Is SLeeping

Never KISS a lady police,

She will say, hands up.

Never KISS a lady doctor,

She will say, Next please

Always KISS a lady teacher,

She will say, repeat it 5 time

What is a girl friend?

Addition of problems,

subtraction of money,

multiplication of enemies


division of friends

A girl & boy were sitting alone,

that boy started touching de girl,

Girl : dont touch me, all this only after marriage.

Boy : ok call me when u r married

A man to Santa:

Your friend is kissing your wife in your home.

Santa rushes home and came back within

half an hour and slapped the man

and said:

“He’s not my friend.

Someday you may lose your hair.

you may lose your teeth- oyur money & even lose your mind.

But 1 thing you will never loose is oyur good looks.

because you cant lose what you don’t have!

If ur world is spining Round & Round..& Round….Ur heart is beating fast ,do u think its LOVE? na Munna na its called high B/P…

How did an intelligent boy propose to girl ,he took the girl along wid him on a boat and at the middle of river said "Marry me or leave the boat"

When I was born Devil said...Oh Shit!!! Another GOD!!!..& When u were born devil said ...Oh Shit!!!!Competition...!!! ....

Hi! Need one girl to marry... Age no bar, color no bar, height no bar, caste no bar, but girl's father must have his own bar...CHEERS

Hi i am marrying next week

there will be a small party and

only few persons will be invited

Hey don’t bring any gift

just bring SOMEONE to marry me

When I open my eyes every morning

I pray to God that everyone should

have a friend like you….

Why should only i suffer!!! ha ha ha

Hey friend remember that

without stupidity there can be no wisdom

& without ugliness there can be no beauty

so the world needs YOU after all!

Man : How old is your father?

Boy : As old as me.

Man : How can that be?

Boy : He became a father only when I was born

When u feel lonely and alone

& cannot see any one around you,

the world seems to be fading away,

come along with me

i’ll take u to an eye specialist !!

Teacher : Correct the sentence,

“A bull and a cow is grazing in the field”

Student : “A cow and a bull is grazing in the field”

Teacher : How?

Student : Ladies first

Husband: Today is sunday &

I have to enjoy it.

So i bought 3 movie tickets.

Wife: Why three?

Husband: 1 For U and 2 for ur parents

Q: What kind of food does a race horse eat?

A: Fast food

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