
101 Ways to Sell More of Anything to Anyone

Author: Andrew Griffiths

Selling is an area that many people struggle with, often due to a fear of becoming or being perceived as a high pressure sales person. Being good at selling is closely related to offering good customer service - customers expect the person on the other end of the telephone or on the other side of the counter to be able to sell - why else would they be there? The reality is that there are very few people who can sell well - and it shows.

This book will cover the principles of selling and communication and provide 101 tips that can be used to improve sales in any typical situation. It will include:
- selling over the phone
- face to face
- on the internet
- in a meeting
- at a trade show
- and more.

Full of simple steps, tips and recommendations this book aims to improve sales skills by improving communication skills and confidence, with the end result being increased sales and a more profitable business - something that all business owners are looking for.

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