
How to Talk to Anyone

Author: Leil Lowndes | Publisher:McGraw-Hill | ISBN:007141858X | Pages:368 | Size:15.4 MB

About the book

Leil Lowndes' How to Talk to Anyone offers 101 time-tested hints, tips, and techniques for confidently communicating with others. A bestselling author and renowned communications consultant, Lowndes focuses on ice-breaking skills and communication techniques that are proven successful when making a positive first impression, establishing instant rapport and credibility, and more.

Packed with basic, no-nonsense advice and solid research evidence about which techniques work best in which areas, How to Talk to Anyone show readers how to:

* Make small talk not so small
* Use body language to captivate an audience
* Look like you know what you're talking about--even when you don't

About the Author

LEIL LOWNDES is an internationally acclaimed writer, motivational speaker, and corporate trainer. She has spoken, consulted, and conducted training programs in every major city in the US and many abroad. Leil has written 7 books and 6 audio programs on all types of interpersonal communicating. Her books have been translated into 18 languages, and she has received testimonials from dozens of top communicators.

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