
Man of the Millennium.....

 Man of the Millennium.....

Mr.Kalayanasundaram worked as a Librarian for 30 years. Every month in his 30 year experience(service), he donated his entire salary to help the needy. He worked as a server in a hotel to meet his needs. He donated even his pension amount of about ten lakh rupees to the needy.

He is the first person in the world to spend the entire earnings for a social cause. In recognition to his service, the American government honoured him with the ‘Man of the Millennium’ award. He received a sum of Rs 30 crores as part of this award which he distributed entirely for the needy as usual.

Moved by his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father. He still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for serving the society. You can read more about him here.
See the attachment also.

All our Politicians, Film stars, Business magnets, cricketers  Press and we all Indians should be PROUD and also should be ashamed of ourselves. American Government has honored him but we Indians even don't know that such a personality exist amongst us.

Atleast have the courtesy to pass this on and on till the whole world comes to know about this Great Good Samaritan.

Hat's off Kalayanasundaram.. We Indians are extremely proud of you and proudly say "THIS HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA"

"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."

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