
Top 10 Healthiest Fruits

Top 10 Healthiest Fruits
01. Strawberries
Strawberries have high levels of ellagic acid and anthocyanins, and are rich in vitamin C (95 mg per cup) and fiber (3.8 g per cup).
Fruits provide lots vitamins and carbohydrates to nourish the body and also add variety to the diet. Apples are a great source of vitamin C, they prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and help fight cancer. Bananas are handy for problems like constipation and diarrhea. Blueberries have a number of health benefits including anti-cancerous, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Mango are other sources of vitamin C. Research has also indicated that these fruits are beneficial for arthritis and other anti-inflammatory conditions because they have a cooling affect on the body. Here are top ten healthiest fruits to keep you fresh, healthy and full of life.

02. Apples
An apple’s 3 g of fiber help you meet your fiber goal of 20 g to 30 g daily. High-fiber diets can lower heart disease risk

03. Bananas
Bananas are a great source of potassium, which plays a key role in heart health and muscle function. Plus each one has 2 g of fiber.

04. Blackberries
This fruit boasts a whopping 10 g of fiber in a single cup.

05. Cherries
A good source of perillyl alcohol, which helps prevent cancer in animals. Heart-protective anthocyanins give cherries their color.

06. Blueberries
Blueberries help prevent and treat bladder infections by making it hard for bacteria to stick to urinary tract walls.

07. Mangoes
A single mango has enough beta-carotene to cover your RDA for vitamin A while racking up 57 mg of vitamin C.

08. Oranges fruits
One orange provides an impressive 50 mg to 70 mg of vitamin C, 40 mcg of folic acid and 52 mg of calcium.

09. Purple grapes
Offer three heart-guarding compounds: flavonoids, anthocyanins and resveratrol (green grapes are not rich in them)

10. Raspberries
Teeming with 8 g of fiber per cup, they also boast vitamin C, ellagic acid and anthocyanins.

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